Resonate CEO Bob Garcia reflects on a busy year for the company

Adapting to remote working 

Time sure does fly! We’ve finished our financial year at the end of March, the results of which will be available soon enough. Financially, it was a good year. But the financials seem to pale in significance to living in a worried and locked down world. Like everyone else, the year was defined by remote working. We are lucky to be in the business that we are in – helping people to collaborate from anywhere. But regardless of our ability to ‘drink our own champagne’– we missed those face to face customer interactions and team building days. Nothing replaces a cup of coffee or something stronger putting the world right.

Highlights of the last year 

We’ve grown and matured substantially this year. Not just in our revenue or number of employees. We set out this year to invest in the business and in our team. Here are a few highlights:

We launched our Teams Direct Routing Service early last year and have been busy adding new users since we started. It was the engine room for helping customers continue to provide their services. We’ve also been working feverishly on our Power Apps and we’ve made great progress. We have our first Apps on the Microsoft App store and we have great engagements with customers automating parts of their business processes!!

Speaking of Microsoft, we’ve leaned into that relationship and gained a number of important accreditations as we drive to make more of that important relationship.

The organisation has grown dramatically. We added 36 people across the company investing in customer-facing activities such as expertise in Power BI for our customer’s voracious appetite for data and reporting. We’ve also been investing in our development team as we tailor our apps to our customer’s needs.

We’ve hired some amazing Product folks who have helped us to really mature both the way we go to market and ensuring that we deliver our services efficiently.

We’ve also focused on our internal investment. We had some terrific help in the People space, as we focused on getting the employee experience right. We’ve implemented a full benefits package and conducted an employee engagement survey which has helped us to focus on the areas in which we need to invest.

Our team in Slovakia has moved into a brand new building with all of the mod cons. It’s great to have this in place now as people return to the office environment. I’m really looking forward to visiting in the near future – just one vaccination away!!

Resonate team spirit 

I’m so proud of our team. This was a hard year to even take your head off your pillow – let alone double the size of our company and drive it to maturity. But everyone comes from the same mould – if we make a plan, we need to find a way to deliver it. Come Rain or Shine – or apparently…Pandemics.

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