A Christmas message from our CEO, Bob Garcia

It’s a great time of year. We make family memories and for those of us who are getting older, reflect on them too! Here’s one:  

A number of years ago I was at one of my son’s year 4 school plays. He was playing the prince in “The Princess and the Pea”. Proud Dad alert – He was of course terrific as always!! 

At the end of the play, there was this moment which lives with me forever. All the kids are on the stage – the choir, the actors, the lone musician with his triangle. Everyone in their amazingly bright costumes. It’s Christmas time. The kids are nothing but pent-up energy and toothless ear-to-ear smiles. The narrators are winding things up and the last one says ‘And they all lived…..” and every child on the stage shouts, with smiles so bright you need sunglasses. ‘HAPPILY, EVER AFTER!!’.  And my eyes welled up. They do whenever I remember that moment. What on earth do you want more for your children? Happily, Ever After. Not much to ask! 

It is so easy to lose perspective. Busy jobs, busy lives. But the purity of a kid’s play can bring it all down to earth. Finding the balance between work and family life is really difficult. But that balance also brings that perspective and the energy to do both. I can tell you that I’ve certainly not perfected that balance. 

But I think that people who do – really are on to something!

This year for us has been busy at Resonate. Fantastic but busy. 

Demand has really picked up in the marketplace for our Teams Voice and Teams Contact Centre managed service offerings. Overall, we are about 44% ahead of last year. We are connecting really well with enterprise customers, because our experience is referenceable for them, and our team relates well to their business challenges. It is gratifying to see our business strategy working so well for everyone involved. It’s always a joy to find out more about a customer’s business and see how our solutions help them achieve their goals.

We are also seeing incredibly strong demand for our Applications which simplify processes and reduce customer support costs. And we’ve just launched our newest version of the Resonate Voice Management platform which is really revolutionising things. Watch this space!!

Our capabilities have continued to grow, with Resonate becoming a Microsoft Solution Partner for Application Development, and receiving an Advanced Specialisation in Adoption and Change Management, not to mention retaining our Partner of Excellence status with Anywhere 365 and becoming Luware’s largest UK partner.

The success we’ve had this year has been because of the remarkable team that we’ve assembled. I’ve never met a group of people so absolutely dedicated to the success of our customers.

So, I’ll wind this up wishing you all a very happy holiday season and I hope that you enjoy your family gatherings and that you find the right balance. And here’s to everyone finding their own Happily Ever After!


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