3 top tips when transitioning the management of UC services

Transitioning the management of UC services 

As well as implementing new UC services, Resonate have been supporting some of the worlds largest companies transition the management and support of existing Skype for Business or legacy PBX environments to Microsoft Teams and its predecessors. Over the last 10 years, our team has developed a proven methodology that we use on every project, the key points of which are shared here.

Here are three tips that, from our extensive experience, we’ve found are essential ingredients in a successful transition:

Tip 1: Agree on the approach at the start

It probably won’t surprise you to hear that we’ve found it’s crucially important to agree on the approach and the way of working before the journey starts.

This not only applies to our transition team and yours, but also to the incumbent supplier and any additional 3rd parties that might be involved. It even applies to the new parties that will be responsible for the different aspects of supporting the UC solution after the transition has been completed.

Tip 2: Create a joint overall plan

Another thing we’ve learnt is that it is hugely beneficial to bring all the interested parties together to work on a detailed plan for the transition. The value of getting everyone on the same page from the outset cannot be overestimated. 

Fundamentally this leads to a smoother journey. It also enables all the separate teams to get on with their jobs without fear of having to perform fire drills to provide information or documents at the last minute, because these details were not clearly agreed upon upfront.

If everyone is not aligned on the overall plan and the deliverables, this can seriously impact the progress and success of the transition. Not to mention, put huge stress on the working relationships, which is never a good thing.

Tip 3: Anticipate mitigation of risk of delays early

A complicating factor in many cases is that the actual transition deadline is usually set in stone. As there are so many dependencies and parties involved it is almost impossible to move that deadline, particularly towards the end of the transition project as all the separate strands come together.

This means that any delay encountered during the transition needs to be quickly made up to ensure the deadline is not jeopardised.

This can lead to increased pressure and workload being put on the teams and, if they cannot absorb this extra strain, then additional resources will need to be put in place as a matter of urgency, which will have a knock-on effect on the overall cost. That’s why contingency planning is a vital component of any transition budget.

Time to get started

Follow these three tips and your transition is sure to be a success; particularly if a seasoned expert like Resonate is managing the process.

The important first step is to agree on the governance and a joint plan with all parties involved. This will make life so much easier for everyone involved and will keep the project on track, within budget and on time.

Most importantly of all, though; it will help ensure your transition is a success; the key priority for all of us here at Resonate.

If you are looking for support with your next UC transition project then please feel free to get in touch we would be happy to share some best practice advice or indeed manage the project end-to-end.

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